You get some right, some wrong.
Sunday, October 30, 2011 @ 1:07 AM

In Time

3 Musketeers
Being retarded and lame reviewing the movie, but shall do a short and brief one for In Time.
After watching the movie, you might actually realize that the situation in the movie actually mirrors our world's current food distribution patterns. The countries that produce the most food somehow are the poorest, whereas the rest of the world who plans this whole income distribution shit gets all the money and are rich. Don't know why, but it somehow intrigued me. Can everyone in the world one day have the same amount of money and food? I don't think so. With equality comes the reason to not work hard. Why work hard when everybody will be equal regardless of the effort and hard work he puts in. Okay, sounding a lil philosophical here. Haha.
And yes, my pretty pretty SNSD made their comeback! :D
One of my personal favorite live performance: (partially cause they're all wearing Adidas)
They've improved so much, really.
Hyoyeon! :D

On a second note, school's been a bore. Like a REAL bore, with no aim in studying. I mean, I am studying, just that with not so much determination. Will be working for my mom during the OP period, earning money! :) And OH YES.
I convinced my dad to let me stay in a hostel in Uni!
Okay, although only for a year. Better than nothing. Finally, I can have the experience of staying away from my parents. YAY. But although I need to pay partially for the hostel fees myself. Hmm. Guess I've got to start earning now! Never too late to start earning money. :)
Give thanks to the Lord
Tuesday, October 18, 2011 @ 10:03 PM

Okay, so promos is over! :D Like long ago actually. Just that I've been to lazy to blog. To be exact, even my grades came out! :)

Check it out man! :) Okay I've improved really quite a lot from last year!
For comparison:

I am really happy with my results, although, I really need to improve for my Lit. Shall work on it esp. analysis, during this holidays. And someone please congratulate me, CAUSE I GOT AN A FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER IN TJC! :D And I am 2nd for Physics now! No longer last! :D
For all the results, I give glory to God, my Lord and saviour, for He is the One who sustained me through this entire year of emotional struggles. The good results this time is not by my efforts, but God's grace and mercy.
For the next coming year, I am actually excited to take MCTs, for finally I can do so! :) I will surely treasure 2012 and will continue my hard work!
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. - Phillipians 4:19