18th Birthday Celebration

Sunday, September 18, 2011 @ 8:57 PM

Celebrated my birthday with my family yesterday! It is 2 weeks before my actual birthday but it's okay, cause its the only week where my whole immediate family is free! I celebrated my birthday with my grandma <3 who is 69 years old this year! :O It's a privilege to celebrate my birthday together with her. :') She's done so much for me, and given me immense support throughout the 18 years of my life. She is really the most selfless woman I have ever met, constantly thinking for other people. The best thing is that she is a child of God, saved last year! Even baptised! How cool is that! :) I truly thank God for accepting her and bringing her into His kingdom.

Well, it's barely a week and a few days before Promos. I'll just have to try my hardest to finish studying everything + revision. :) I know that with the support everybody is giving me, I'll be able to do it. On the first day of study break, it's my birthday. -.- Haha I've come to accept it already, I mean, at least it's a holiday! I really want to thank God for bringing me through 18 years of my life, going through ups and downs with me and always 24/7 being there for me. :') As the 18th year of my life unfolds, I know it'll not be easy, but it'll definitely be fulfilling. :)