rain rain go away

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @ 6:19 PM

Yesterday was TJ Band concert. I must say they are really quite good! They were all on beat and every player was playing their best and playing well. :) Well done TJ Band! I saw Hasia and Kaiwen and I gave her a flower. :) Tzehern was there as well! Went down with the entire (well, almost) bowling team. Bowling team & Band: NO LINK. haha. But it was really fun fun fun!

"Disappointment has a name, it's heartbreak."

When I first saw this line of song lyrics during the weekend last week, I felt that I had no reason to blog it up as i wasn't disappointed with anyone. But, who would have knew, the tuesday came, and there it happened, disappointment. Yes, you utterly disappointed me. You talk to me when you feel like it. You don't when you don't feel like. I have come to point where I seriously don't give a shit anymore. You can do whatever you want. And with - telling me the reason for your behaviour, my jaw literally dropped. Omyfreak, what the shit is wrong with you. o.o yeah good for you, isolate yourself, because I have changed and will no longer be so bothered like how I used to be so bothered, when you don't give a shit at all too. Maybe when you FEEL like talking to me again, I shouldn't even talk to you. Seriously. Omg you piss me off ttm.

Oh and thank God although we were at the same place at the same time, I managed to successfully avoid you. I seriously wouldn't have known what to say or react. Maybe just say, "Hi!"? Nah, you won't even reply smses that are related to official stuff. Oh, you suck.