Not tryin' to rewind

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 @ 7:04 PM

As usually being typically me, I have decided to start blogging, again. Probably some things bugging me that I need to get off my chest.

Well, from the last time I blogged till now, many many things have happened, many things have progressed on, many things have been let go. Ah, with the busy schedule, there are simply too many things I have given up on, or rather let things be the way it is and don't give a damn.

I don't know what should do with you. 나해야하는무엇이 I know that I don't have the time to spend with, or rather can't afford to. Furthermore you are being so zz about everything. You are really very nice, but ugh, don't know what to say. I just hope I will make the right decision regarding this matter.

Well done, you are pissing me off, once again. I'm sure you know the phrase, "self praise = no praise", just like how you always tell other people. -.- I don't have the time and energy to care about you anymore you know. o.o zz.

Bowling nationals are on, and apparently I am pacering tomorrow. o.o well, I hope that I do well since Mr Ng has given me a chance. Quartets are going to be interesting, and I do hope we get at least top 5, given the past days results. :/ Game on TJC Bowling! :)

Hopefully, I will blog once a week, that is if I even have the time. With tutorials undone, time isn't allocated for blogging. :/

"You can't make up your mind, please don't waste my time."


Yay PI draft 5 done. In 4 hours. -.- Ah, all those citation thingy is killing me. But it'll all be worth it. :)
