
Monday, December 7, 2009 @ 8:48 PM

standard chartered is finally over! it wasn't easy during the 4am/5am period and it was where i dozed off a couple of times. my role was to direct people to the start point, and guess where i was stationed at: the esplanade carpark 0.0 horrible. it was humid and hot and there was practically no ventilation. all we survived on was remnants of air con from the esplanade's doors. -.- how horrible is that man.

but one thing's for sure, it really was a test of my endurance and patience. i was really tired that day as i went out shopping for winter stuff with my parents that day i didn't catch a wink before i left to meet at 12am. at times when kaiwen and i were bored, we had some nice talks, if not we'll be prancing around, no, actually i, would be prancing around dancing mass dance or singing christmas songs. hahah hilarious, but was trying to influence kaiwen to be super high, kinda phailed though. hahaha.

we're were awesome volunteers! we kept saying, "Hi! Welcome to StandChart!" for like probably 300+ times throughout the night till i think 8am. the rest of the volunteers were just slacking. hahah. they sat on the ground against the pillar and looked like a zombie. hahaha. was quite pissifying at times, but then was proud of kaiwen and myself that we didn't follow them, and did things we weren't required to do.

okay enough about standard chartered. my fever's like 38 o.o still after a night. heatiness is my enemy.

yay tianjin! we're going to beijing! how cool is that! 故宫, etc etc! woootttss. :D i'm so excited.