mindcafe outing 09.

Monday, November 30, 2009 @ 8:31 PM

Today went to one of my favourite places - mindcafe, with kaiwen, miah and yingling. we seriously had a whale of a time there. playing ticket to ride with yingling and hairy was seriously not fun cos they were not strategic at all, and were points conscious! and in the end, i think kaiwen and i lost. -.- hahah.

after we played this words game where we couldn't say what cards we had on our heads. and yingling totally lost during the actions words part. hahha. it was hilarious.

oh then we played jurassic something. was super funny cos yingling was super lag and she lost all rounds. :D

then we played taboo for our last game. was really really really amusing till i almost died of laughter. there was this part where miah and kaiwen were the people making us guess the word, then they were so 有默契. the word was floss, so they said "candy?" together, and then "candy?" together for the second time at the same time again. ahhahha. yingling and i laughed like siao. hahhahahahaha.

okay thats about it. :D