life on the line

Wednesday, November 25, 2009 @ 5:44 PM


vietnam trip was awesome! not as awesome as i thought it would be but the people were awesome! :D the hotels were simply awesome! bunking with valencia was ahahhaha cause she's naggy ahahha. before we left for vietnam her mom was like "you must wake up ah! otherwise you two will late together." kelly, huanying, sheila, jeremiah, valencia and i hanged out a lot during the trip. and i got to know the rest of the girls in the cohord better and talked to them during the trip. they were kinda noisy throughout the trip but it's okay lah. they were funny.

esp the last day on the way to the airport where shaojie ate 43+++ oranges at one go. o.o all of us started comparing what special things our body could do. like bend our fingers to our arm, admiring gracia's cute stubby thumb, etc etc. we spent most of the trip on the bus, listening to my ipod and crapping with valencia. sometimes with hasia amira and anna too. anna kept falling down during the trip and she spent 60000 dong (6 sing dollars) on 6 bananas which was epic lah seriously.

more photos up on fb.

the train ride was awesome with valencia's funny sleeping positions. and huanying forever combing her hair till that if anyone dies there she'll be the first suspect. :O

the trip did not have much shopping that we were so desperate at the airport trying to spend our money as well as getting souviniers for the people in singapore.

US peeps coming back tmrw! i miss shauna very much! :/

if the vietnam trip has taught me anything, it would be that life is ____ ______ _______ ___ and that i don't need you as much as i thought i did. this trip has been an eye opener to what the rest can bring for me. gosh, i should have been smarter than this.