lead like you're a leader

Sunday, November 15, 2009 @ 11:44 PM


it was the awesomest leadership experience in my entire life. all people there were leaders from different walks of tjc. Working with them was really awesome because they were very sensible and were very open to comments that people gave them and could change their flaws within a day.

We played numerous competition games to win points. My favourite was BALLOON FRANTIC FRANTIC BALLOONS! My group won as first for this activity ahahha. We were really happy cos we lost the first on like crap and totally got 0 points which kinda demoralized our group. :( but we also won the tug of war game. ahahha.

then i became the leader for the high elements game on the 2nd day. my stupid shoe caused me not to be able to balance on the log for the first time in my life. I felt so dejected. cos my shoe was so big my body weight was shifted in front hence i couldnt balance properly.

but i think my group was freaking awesome because we worked together very well! :D gwenda was in my group, thankfully. and had a fun time crapping with her the whole day. ahahha. 你石头!

oh i apparently became the leader of my project group although i don't know why. ahahhaa. now my group keep calling me "sec 4 leader" cause i'm younger than them. ahhaha. :D coolios. garrick was like "give her a chance!" ahahha. lol man.

just came back from dinner with guanhong's group + my group. we were supposed to discuss our project but apparently we didn't ahhaha. too much fun camwhoring. :D

this is my awesome group + angeline. the whole team wasn't there except angeline.
Team 5 / Group 10 rocks to the apple core.

Group 10: garrick, selvie, detian, valerie, gwenda, wenge, duanrui and jiaxin!
Team 5: Group 10 + aaron, zhenghao, angeline, yuenling, kahqi, lidong, we seriously rock rock rock rock! :D love you guys!

ohoh and something freaking funny: The girls during lunch were talking about not being able to shit in unfamiliar places and lidong happened to be eating a drumstick and hence was disgusted with us. ahahhahaha. And during the last part we had to give each other gems to acknowledge something of the other person, then lidong came up to me and said, "this is a brown gem, i hope you shit better next time." freaking lol can! i almost fainted.

i overall learnt a lot of things through the interview simulation game etc etc. i felt that this camp was really awesome.

i'm too lazy to post the details cos i'm freaking tired and i need to sleep already. OH SLC's tmrw. okay needa go have my beauty sleep to face secondary school students and people older than me. ahahha.

"it's about winning, yet it isn't about winning."