
Sunday, November 8, 2009 @ 11:34 PM

oh yay someone congratulate me that my first and last o level paper of my entire life is in two days time and all i do is watch tv, play computer and go out. naise. my lifestyle is perfectly awesome.

needa go school tmr to hand up my passport to mrs koh and till now im still having issues with the 1500 bucks. my mom is refusing to pay, don't even mention my dad. I really don't understand why sometimes it is so hard to get money from them when it comes to overseas trips. I understand that it is not a small amount but it is not like our family is hard up or anything and besides I go there for 4 weeks not 6 days. I really hate being pushed around like a ball when it comes to money issues. I mean, it's really hard for me you know. How would you parents even understand the heartpain of not being able to choose what I want for the WOW attachment. Do you even think i want to go to 天京 that badly, i don't have a choice okay. Yeah I have choice like you said. Okay join what you tell me lah? A*? The zoo thing which only has 4 places? Or the museum thing which i am totally no interest in? Sometimes I really feel horrible when my friends are all caught up with "Should I choose 天京 or something else that is more interesting." with no money issues caught up in between. I always have to consider the money first, not whether I enjoy it or not. Everything i do i think about the money first then who is ever going to think about me. :/ not that I am angry but seriously times have changed and going overseas is quite a norm in schools already. -.- but i don't care that much this time already. I am going for sure. anyway the europe money will be my 挡箭牌. oh and the worst part is you idiots don't even ever ask me about safety issues whether I will freeze of coldness or that 4 weeks is a long time and that you guys will miss me. All you guys ever consider is the $$$$$$$$.

sorry for that long post. wait till i talk about tuition. -.-