lovin' you

Saturday, November 7, 2009 @ 6:29 PM

last night i attended my cousin's wedding. the bride was pretty, my cousin was handsome. but don't know why when i saw them getting married i thought of divorce. it's not a good thought but i couldn't help it. :/

oh wells, o's in two days. and im not exactly very prepared given that my compre is ultimately sucky and my 报章报道 is very disgusting as well. and doing anything now doesn't seem to work anymore. hence and therefore, i'm just gonna watch tv the whole day and slack and just leave the rest to God. :) He'll be good to me.

i'm really tired now. going for dinner and prolly meeting greena at mac's to find her cute guy. o.o ahahha.

update later.


it's been 72 hours.