The Last Goodbye

Tuesday, September 20, 2011 @ 11:16 PM

Counting down to the end of the Promos. As usual I don't have any plans for the period after the holidays. Come to think of it I don't even have any plans for my birthday this year. I think I have chosen to forget about it. Argh study break. So ironic. Never mind. Remembering 2010, appreciated it so much so much. But it's okay this year, since everyone's having A's. Shall spend my birthday at Macs, studying. :/ How sad and pathetic my life this year is. But seeing the J2s next year will be worse.

Shall wake up early tmr and hitch a ride from my mom to school. She's going overseas tmr, am gonna miss her, despite being only a few days. :/I guess you really only feel the absence of the person when she/he is gone.

I am going to study hard hard tmr. I think more than half the class is going to pon school tmr since there is almost no point going on Weds. For me, I only have GP, Math, and Civics, which are all useless lessons. However, I'll never know as 21/11 is not the 21/11 before JCTs. Who knows? We might have perfect attendance tmr despite everyone saying they're not going tmr. Hmmm.

I really am fighting this battle alone this year. Don't want to feel so, but it is so darn obvious now. I need the emotional and psychological support. At least for JCTs, I had the J2s supporting me and encouraging me, but I know I can't be selfish and blame them. I know the stress they are going through and I certainty don't want to be adding to the high stress level. Like hello, I'm about to take an exam that I failed last year. Ohwell, I guess I've got to brace myself and step into the impending war ahead.

If you hear this on the radio

Then we've already said our last goodbye.

I won't be there when you get home.

By now there's someone else that hears you cry.

I didn't want to lose you,

Leave you with a broken heart.

But wherever we are, we're miles apart.

18th Birthday Celebration

Sunday, September 18, 2011 @ 8:57 PM

Celebrated my birthday with my family yesterday! It is 2 weeks before my actual birthday but it's okay, cause its the only week where my whole immediate family is free! I celebrated my birthday with my grandma <3 who is 69 years old this year! :O It's a privilege to celebrate my birthday together with her. :') She's done so much for me, and given me immense support throughout the 18 years of my life. She is really the most selfless woman I have ever met, constantly thinking for other people. The best thing is that she is a child of God, saved last year! Even baptised! How cool is that! :) I truly thank God for accepting her and bringing her into His kingdom.

Well, it's barely a week and a few days before Promos. I'll just have to try my hardest to finish studying everything + revision. :) I know that with the support everybody is giving me, I'll be able to do it. On the first day of study break, it's my birthday. -.- Haha I've come to accept it already, I mean, at least it's a holiday! I really want to thank God for bringing me through 18 years of my life, going through ups and downs with me and always 24/7 being there for me. :') As the 18th year of my life unfolds, I know it'll not be easy, but it'll definitely be fulfilling. :)

Calculate the uncertainty.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 @ 1:34 AM

Got back my Math test today. Surprisingly, I passed with not bad marks! :) (Thank God for providing) Remembering the treat you wanted to give me haha. I would have been able to redeem it, but ohwell it's alright.

Helped out at Teenage Big Day Out for my mom yesterday. The event was super long, was there from 10am-10pm :O It was a really enriching experience overall as I managed to try out being a stage manager cue-ing groups to go stage when it was their turn to perform, and also watched the K-pop Dance Battle (which I sadly missed last year). Apparently there's a dispute between the Cosplayers and the K-pop dance teams, with the cosplayers flaming Teenage on their FB wall. And my mom is super stressed out, while her team is thinking of a solution to appease the cosplayers. I've been reading forums to find out exactly what is happening, and I've managed to know what exactly are the complaints about. Beneath the rants and vulgarities, I will definitely feedback to Teenage and hopefully next year no more such complaints will happen. But somehow I feel it is true that J-pop and K-pop competitions should not be on the same day. Conflicting interests. I hope this matter will resolve soon! :X

Today WF wanted to see Jiaen & I, which made us so fearful. I predict it is because we didn't attend her makeup lesson during the Sept Hols. Ohwell, I was having stomach flu so what was I supposed to do. Nevermind will explain to her tomorrow, hope everything will be fine. :X

Okay counting down, 15 days to promos. I am seriously very unprepared at the moment, especially for Lit & Physics. I really can't afford to screw up this time. I really can't.
Stereo Love

Saturday, September 10, 2011 @ 1:10 AM

Did Lit presentation meetup today. Am really struggling with Lit, especially Richard III. I hope I'll get a D at least for Promos, but I'm clueless as to how to do so as I don't even know how to study for Lit. :/ Haven't done any sort of annotation to my book as I'm not sure how. :(

Today I met G to study again. Quite unproductive though. :( Felt really tired and drained from the previous days of studying. This whole September holidays, I didn't even go out once to shop, etc. Only "fun" thing I did was watch Final Destination 5 with my parents, which was a horrible and disgusting movie that did not make any sense, which was a total waste of my time.

Tmr's Shinee Concert, and I've got tickets yet I can't go. >( Wanted to give someone the tickets but decided not to in the end. :( *Awkward*

Just found out that Grad Night is on 8th Dec, and guess what? I'm flying to Hongkong on the 9th, 1.30AM. -.- Which means I can't stay for Grad Night and have to leave before 11pm. :( No phototaking fun for me I guess. Disappointed but still glad my parents somehow didn't book the holiday on the 8th. Thank God. :) And ohno, I really don't have the mood to look for a dress to wear, and think of what hairstyle to use, blah blah. Ohwell. When the time comes, then I'll think about it.
I am a busygirl93.

Thursday, September 8, 2011 @ 2:20 AM

Things to do today:
  1. AP/GP
  2. Sigma Notation
  3. Binomial Theorem
  4. Econs Tuition Essays
  5. Plan meetup with Val & Greena
  6. Plan meetup with Glen
No more distractions Jiaxin! No more deviating when studying!
No point thinking so much! Promos is the most important thing now.
People don't want help you willingly, you help yourself!

I have successfully become nonchalant and indifferent, if that's what you hope.
Pieces don't fit anymore

@ 1:24 AM

Well, it has come to a phase where everything is peaceful and calm. Where nothing seemed to ever happened. The fact is that, it has. And no matter how hard I try to convince myself that it's alright, I can't. Long ago deep in my heart, I've already known the truth, that there won't be reciprocality, but reality just doesn't seem to hit me. I can feel upset and angry all I want, but I know nothing's gonna change. Whether the matter turns out alright or not, I have come to realised how much tolerance and patience I have put in and devoted. Everything happens for a reason and it is indeed a learning experience.

I believe its a matter of what kind of a friend you are and of course, you would expect the other person to be that same kind of friend you were to him/her. Compromises can be made, but too many accumulated times would snowball and we would be buried too far deep under to pull us all out. We all have 24 hours a day, and who we spend each second with, is our choice. Who we spend time texting with, is our choice. Being sensitive to many things is one thing, being insensitive to even the most basic of things is another thing. Has it ever occurred to you how hurt anyone would feel if your friend read a post of the intentions of herself she never even knew about? I suggest, before writing anything, spare a single thought for your friend, sparing her from all the hurt and disappointment. Be responsible for what you've said and written.

Maybe one hit wasn't enough, and now I need two hits to make me realise certain things. Becoming numb to everything is slowly becoming a habit. There's really nothing left for me to say, with everything decided by you. Even the type of person I didn't know I am is determined by you and your writing. Ohwell.

With Thursday to come tomorrow, half of the September holidays has already passed by. Studies wise, still considered on track(?). Trying my best to put my head into it without distractions. Greena's really been a good buddy for studying and having heart to heart talks. Somehow she can really understand how I feel and makes me feel cared for (for once). She's someone who listens to everything I have to say and doesn't judge me just like how I don't judge her. Guess that's why we've been great friends for these 4 years, where time passed so silently and quickly.

Greena Ng Xin Yi, if you ever read this, just wanna let you know that I treasure you a whole lot as a friend, a great friend, for all the times you've been so understanding when others couldn't, for always giving me your most sincere and honest opinions that opened my eyes to so many different perspectives.

Its always good to thank your friends that you treasure, after all, I learnt this from someone so wise.

I've been twisting and turning in a space that's too small
I've been drawing the line and watching it fall
You've been closing me in , closing the space in my heart
Watching us fading and watching it all fall apart

You pulled me under so I had to give in
Such a beautiful mess that's breaking my skin
Well I'll hide all the bruises; I'll hide all the damage that's done
But I show how I'm feeling until all the feeling has gone

Why I can't explain why it's not enough
Cause I gave it all to you
And if you leave me now
Oh just leave me now
It's the better thing to do
It's time to surrender
It's been too long pretending
There's no use in trying
When the pieces don't fit anymore
The pieces don't fit anymore

You pulled me under so I had to give in
Such a beautiful mess that's breaking my skin
Well I'll hide all the bruises; I'll hide all the damage that's done
But I show how I'm feeling until all the feeling has gone

I don't know why

Well I can't explain why it's not enough
Cause I gave it all to you
And if you leave me now
Oh just leave me now
It's the better thing to do
It's time to surrender
It's been too long pretending
There's no use in trying
When the pieces don't fit anymore
The pieces don't fit anymore

Oh, don't misunderstand how I feel
Cause I've tried, yes I've tried
Still I don't know why
No I don't know why

"I said I would never give up, that is, if you tried. Now I realise, trying is not good enough."

This is one experience I will never forget.

This will be my last night spending time sorting out this issue in my head and my last time posting anything about this matter. I guess for people who don't really care about my feelings and whether I'll get hurt, shouldn't be worth my time anymore. It has never been in my hands anyway. Solutions? I'll leave that up to you. If you feel no need for anything to be apologised for and sorted out, so be it.

Looking ahead, promos, you'll be my last leap of faith for this year. Focus is all I need, and now is certainly not the right time to get distracted.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011 @ 11:29 PM

Never thought I'd come back here to blog. But I have.

It's 2011, September 2011. JCTs long over, with promos in 21 days. 9 months not being in J2, being in an entirely alien cohort. Well, everyone's been really accomodating and welcoming, which I really appreciate.

With space comes distance, becoming seemingly more obvious. With certain people, our ties have strengthen where absence has made the heart grow fonder. However with others, I guess not. It is only through such times that I really can see who are truest to me and our friendship. Sadly to say, the people I expected to have our friendships last no matter what, now even saying hi has become awkward. New friends have come in, but can never take up the empty space in my heart.

4 years, and finally I 0can conclude that my heart has never changed. Yeah like what Greena says, I probably know I will never stand a chance, but I will be forever standing behind you, cheering you on in the background. <3

My spiritual life has indeed grown. Really looking forward to Camp Crux at the end of the year.

Last and most important thing, this year it'll be different. :)