Hiatus and updates

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 @ 6:44 PM

Gaolaoshi's farewell was on Saturday, and yes I guess all of us really enjoyed ourselves and was pretty touched by gaolaoshi's powerpoint and song. Some feelings just cannot be expressed in words, but what I want to say is that, you've been the awesomest teacher I've ever had, a friend, a listener, and cause of you, I've never regretted taking HCL no matter how horrible my chinese is. Thank you for everything, and above all, we love you. :) Thanks to those who made the party a success!

And JCTs is coming up soon. Am I going to slack through the one month study break like I have for the past two years again this time? Am I going to screw up my JCTs and get Ss and Us all subjects? I bet not this year. Not this year. Byebye Facebook and Blogger for one month until JCTs are over. See yall soon. Okay, only twitter since I don't need to on my computer to use that.

And so I guess we're okay now? Hmmm, for long I hope.

Tell me why can't you see, it's not the way
When we all fall down, it will be too late
Why is there no reason we can't change
When we all fall down, who will take the blame
What will it take

So long, its hiatus for now. :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010 @ 12:10 AM

to Azri, Kaiwen, Issac and Joey as our next bowling EXCO! :) Yall' will sure be able to bring the team up up up! :) Jiayou! :)

I'm waiting

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 @ 1:03 AM

If I knew if leaving was going to be this hard, maybe I should have just attended more trainings. gahh.

Maybe I should try for things I do not deserve. Just maybe. :/ yeah i know I shouldn't girl.

thank you for making everything my fault.
thank you for behaving childishly.
thank you for acknowledging that I am mad with you.
thank you for ending the sms as if I was in the wrong.
thank you for wasting the past one month of my time.

now, thank me for sparing your life and time because I shan't waste anymore time on you.
thank you.
rain rain go away

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @ 6:19 PM

Yesterday was TJ Band concert. I must say they are really quite good! They were all on beat and every player was playing their best and playing well. :) Well done TJ Band! I saw Hasia and Kaiwen and I gave her a flower. :) Tzehern was there as well! Went down with the entire (well, almost) bowling team. Bowling team & Band: NO LINK. haha. But it was really fun fun fun!

"Disappointment has a name, it's heartbreak."

When I first saw this line of song lyrics during the weekend last week, I felt that I had no reason to blog it up as i wasn't disappointed with anyone. But, who would have knew, the tuesday came, and there it happened, disappointment. Yes, you utterly disappointed me. You talk to me when you feel like it. You don't when you don't feel like. I have come to point where I seriously don't give a shit anymore. You can do whatever you want. And with - telling me the reason for your behaviour, my jaw literally dropped. Omyfreak, what the shit is wrong with you. o.o yeah good for you, isolate yourself, because I have changed and will no longer be so bothered like how I used to be so bothered, when you don't give a shit at all too. Maybe when you FEEL like talking to me again, I shouldn't even talk to you. Seriously. Omg you piss me off ttm.

Oh and thank God although we were at the same place at the same time, I managed to successfully avoid you. I seriously wouldn't have known what to say or react. Maybe just say, "Hi!"? Nah, you won't even reply smses that are related to official stuff. Oh, you suck.

Friday, May 7, 2010 @ 12:30 AM

Hmmm. How true. Really explains a lot about some people.
And yes you, I'm talking about you.

Thursday, May 6, 2010 @ 11:57 PM

HAHAHAHA. I wonder if my PW group is like that too. :) awesomeness.
We'll take control of the world

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 @ 9:59 PM

PI SUBMISSION is officially tmr! :( And mine is still not approved. Wow, how can life get any worse.

On the brighter side, today's bowling as a pacer was way way way awesome! :)) I did well, broke my average and highest score! Although seen as "lousy" for some -.- people, but I'm contented with the results given that I just started being a spinner for 3+ months! Awesome-ness. And I met some really cool people as well from ACJC. They are super pro at bowling but apparently because of some issues they aren't in the team. Wasted huh.

Tomorrow there's chem mock spa but apparently I'm not going cause of bowling nationals! Oh no, tmr is the last day of games already. I hope TJ can get fourth again! -crosses fingers-

Woah today is miss ong's last lesson with us! Time really flies past really quickly. It seems as if she had her first lesson with us just yesterday. But sadly I couldn't make it back in time for her last one. :/ I'm glad she smsed me saying she really likes the scrapbook! :)) awww, she didn't cry. hahaha. :)

Glad today you called me, but sorry i didn't pick up. And sorry I couldn't make it for the concert due to nationals. :(

"Do you remember the nights we'd stay up just laughing smiling for hours at anything?"
Not tryin' to rewind

@ 7:04 PM

As usually being typically me, I have decided to start blogging, again. Probably some things bugging me that I need to get off my chest.

Well, from the last time I blogged till now, many many things have happened, many things have progressed on, many things have been let go. Ah, with the busy schedule, there are simply too many things I have given up on, or rather let things be the way it is and don't give a damn.

I don't know what should do with you. 나해야하는무엇이 I know that I don't have the time to spend with, or rather can't afford to. Furthermore you are being so zz about everything. You are really very nice, but ugh, don't know what to say. I just hope I will make the right decision regarding this matter.

Well done, you are pissing me off, once again. I'm sure you know the phrase, "self praise = no praise", just like how you always tell other people. -.- I don't have the time and energy to care about you anymore you know. o.o zz.

Bowling nationals are on, and apparently I am pacering tomorrow. o.o well, I hope that I do well since Mr Ng has given me a chance. Quartets are going to be interesting, and I do hope we get at least top 5, given the past days results. :/ Game on TJC Bowling! :)

Hopefully, I will blog once a week, that is if I even have the time. With tutorials undone, time isn't allocated for blogging. :/

"You can't make up your mind, please don't waste my time."


Yay PI draft 5 done. In 4 hours. -.- Ah, all those citation thingy is killing me. But it'll all be worth it. :)
