Sunday, December 20, 2009 @ 11:09 PM

okay due to certain reasons i'm closing my blog.

thought through really carefully before making my decision.

hahah i don't think that many people read my blog anyway, so yeah. don't really matter. :D

bye blog!

on a last note: i'm only going to have i think about 7 days before i leave for tianjin after i come back from korea! i need to enjoy the sun!

oh and to someone: some things are better late than never. at least i know now. (: and why are you always the one dictating who's right and who's wrong? what about yourself? i'm not angry or whatever, because i understand where you're coming from and understand that you still care as a friend. (:

this blog will be automatically deleted in 1 day
mad world

@ 12:12 AM

I don't know you anymore, neither do you know me. What's become of us? What's with all the nonsense you've been preaching for the last 16 years to me? All has turned into dust, and all has transformed into nothing. All the tall talk about saving money, please just shut up.

well, besides what ever happened today, I just came back from AMAZING(race)! And somehow the games were kinda screwed cause of the rain on the second day. ugh, but overall was okay, the commitee knew it was kinda failed, but the campers felt that it was all okay and very meaningful. I felt that the praise and worship was very awesome and i felt the presence of God lingering in the Soundbox. Being in the camp committee for the first time, I gave more than I received. It was a totally different from past experiences as this time, I prayed for other campers, whereas in previous camps, the older people prayed for me. This camp, i would say, was very successful by the grace of God. I was kinda sad I did not invite anyone for ONE REASON event, but i was glad to see people going up during the altar call. Seeing people being saved by the grace of God really makes me feel that all the committee have done is very worthwhile. I don't mind going all the trouble to hold one event just to save one person's soul. The peace and comfort that Christ brings to each and everyone of us is really indescribable. Feel it to believe it. :)

I met lots of new people during the camp which i felt was so awesome, because i realised that the world doesn't only consist of TJC and family, and that there are many awesome people out there as well. Not only people who are so political and care about their own interests. :)

One more thing learnt, you're just a small tree in a big forest. :)

Was watching autumn concerto when I saw this sentence:
Some people prefer to live in a world of denial in order to feel happy and secure.
How true is that! :/

oh yes, thank you JOLENE for the lovely xmas card! You probably won't read this but: I can't believe you still remember someone like me who has been out of your life for the past 2 years! i really appreciate you as a friend and whatever you did for me in the past in shss. you are a really awesome friend! You're my good-est friend ever. No one can replace you, seriously. You're the goodest cause, my best friend is Jesus Christ! :D I love you Jolene! Merry X'mas!

Monday, December 14, 2009 @ 10:11 PM

ohohoh tomorrow's AMAZING(RACE)! yay!

been very busy today. was up and awake in the early of the morning already, had a final meeting with the comm. then after that went back to school to meet my mazarin group, but was kicked out of the school a while later. hahaha.

i was supposed to collect my specs like last weds/thurs but apparently the woman still haven't call me, and now i have to go church camp with my old and all so scratched specs. -.- crap.

anyway, this week's been really busy, no time to blog. :/ loads of stuff to complete. -.- argh.

my homework isn't really done. mostly undone. this is very bad.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 @ 9:45 PM

hey guys, i've set up a lyrics pictography site! do support! :D

to like the pictures, create a tumblr account!
you're automatic

@ 6:34 PM

just came back from logistics shopping for church camp with daniel.

bought like millions of things:
  1. x2000 plastic bags for water bombs
  2. x600 straws
  3. x300 marshmallows
  4. x5 plastic bowls
  5. etc
we haven't even bought everything yet, some already got by shannon and the rest.
where do i get lightsticks and face paint man. -.-

it was simply madness carrying everything back to my house. o.o i can't imagine the day for camp and i have to lug everything myself back to church.

went back to school in the morning to hand up my visa application + money for tianjin. and i realised i didn't bring my passport photo -.- then i had to go opposite to print. after that went for lunch with kaiwen and yingling at some foodfare thing. yeah, one day ntuc's gonna dominate singapore. :/ after that did some shopping with yingling for someone's birthday present. quite happy with what we got.

okay now gotta concentrate and finish my translation job. :/ sianz.

training tmrw! i think i'll be going.
kinda tired need to sleep early tonight though.

Monday, December 7, 2009 @ 8:48 PM

standard chartered is finally over! it wasn't easy during the 4am/5am period and it was where i dozed off a couple of times. my role was to direct people to the start point, and guess where i was stationed at: the esplanade carpark 0.0 horrible. it was humid and hot and there was practically no ventilation. all we survived on was remnants of air con from the esplanade's doors. -.- how horrible is that man.

but one thing's for sure, it really was a test of my endurance and patience. i was really tired that day as i went out shopping for winter stuff with my parents that day i didn't catch a wink before i left to meet at 12am. at times when kaiwen and i were bored, we had some nice talks, if not we'll be prancing around, no, actually i, would be prancing around dancing mass dance or singing christmas songs. hahah hilarious, but was trying to influence kaiwen to be super high, kinda phailed though. hahaha.

we're were awesome volunteers! we kept saying, "Hi! Welcome to StandChart!" for like probably 300+ times throughout the night till i think 8am. the rest of the volunteers were just slacking. hahah. they sat on the ground against the pillar and looked like a zombie. hahaha. was quite pissifying at times, but then was proud of kaiwen and myself that we didn't follow them, and did things we weren't required to do.

okay enough about standard chartered. my fever's like 38 o.o still after a night. heatiness is my enemy.

yay tianjin! we're going to beijing! how cool is that! 故宫, etc etc! woootttss. :D i'm so excited.

Saturday, December 5, 2009 @ 1:26 AM

today was AMAZING(race) games trial! It was simply awesome. Got to know many people much better, like Greg, Vinnie, Serena, Wibur, Lewis, and my entire games comm peeps!

No photos can be posted though as we don't want to spoil any of the fun, just in case any people going camp is reading this.

basically today i travelled the entire singapore with the rest of the awesome people. i seriously can't wait for camp yknow! It's gonna be so much fun being a part of GAMES COMM!

Conducting and facilitating the night walk is gonna be so different from being a participant all the time. Anyway just wanted to say that a lot of hard work has been put in from all the camp comm and i hope all the campers will enjoy themselves!

Camp's in 10 days and my sister has packed. o.o

Am really glad i'm part of all these action. I will most probably will be confirming myself joining the Speedlight Exco thingy. :D working with awesome people really doesn't make me mind putting the extra effort!

Thursday, December 3, 2009 @ 6:34 PM

yay standard chartered's the day after tomorrow! :D yippees! kinda excited about it!

the past few days' been crazyyyy. super busy! but super exciting! more details are on kaiwen's blog! loved the barbecue/stayover.

loved the lunch at gls' house. oh the white choc ice cream glen made was super nice. i didn't even know there was such a flavour. that's my and all the people he didn't give birthday present to, our birthday present! we should have a movie marathon some time. it's super fun! at my house! that'll be great man! anyone interested? :D

anyway, life's been super up and down for me these few days. really excited to go tianjin, one month without my suppressers would be really awesome. furthermore with awesome-r people, life's gonna be real exciting. (:

oh and thanks shauna for her US bought - crabtree and evelyn body spray! it's super nice.

today's been boring. :/ sians.


don't talk to me only when you need me.
your inobviously obvious actions are pissing me off.
i'm not that dumb. -.-

friends don't only talk whenever they feel like talking to them

if i had a "I don't want you in my life" list, there's gonna be a new member added to it.

some people may have told you you're the reason i dread going on sundays nowadays. well, sometimes you are the reason i don't wanna go, sometimes you are the reason i want to go. glad we've cleared the air. :) love you still. anyway you should seriously tag at least once on my blog yknow, pok


found out some stuff today. contradicting stuff. hm.

got games trial in the morning till evening. should be fun! :D
