mindcafe outing 09.
Monday, November 30, 2009 @ 8:31 PM
Today went to one of my favourite places - mindcafe, with kaiwen, miah and yingling. we seriously had a whale of a time there. playing ticket to ride with yingling and hairy was seriously not fun cos they were not strategic at all, and were points conscious! and in the end, i think kaiwen and i lost. -.- hahah.
after we played this words game where we couldn't say what cards we had on our heads. and yingling totally lost during the actions words part. hahha. it was hilarious.
oh then we played jurassic something. was super funny cos yingling was super lag and she lost all rounds. :D
then we played taboo for our last game. was really really really amusing till i almost died of laughter. there was this part where miah and kaiwen were the people making us guess the word, then they were so 有默契. the word was floss, so they said "candy?" together, and then "candy?" together for the second time at the same time again. ahhahha. yingling and i laughed like siao. hahhahahahaha.
okay thats about it. :D
the love beyond hate
Friday, November 27, 2009 @ 10:56 PM
there are just some things i don't quite get about my family.
why is it that we have no peace everyday, and the house is filled with fear and anxiety?
why is it that my brother, sister and i have to be scolded every single day for things that can be said to us nicely?
why it that my parents don't understand that we are still children and that mistakes are inevitable?
why is it that at my age, i'm still getting beaten by my father?
do we actually deserve such harsh punishment?
why is it that their mentality is not of the 21st century's?
why is it that we get so much scolding and yet none of us does well in anything we do?
why is it that my childhood has been scarred with unhappy memories and none happy ones?
why is it that my mom refuses to let go and just move on?
why is it that my father gives me so much fear within me?
why is it that although this fear has been here for the past 16 years, i just can't get used to it?
why is it that my mom, my sis, my bro, and my grandmother cannot live on our own like last time, but instead with a beast?
why is that i am born in such a family with such parents?
After scolding us like we’re some dogs, he can just go back to his room and laugh while watching tv almost immediately, but doesn’t he realize how much he’s affected us?
my love for him is beyond the word 'hate'.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009 @ 8:56 PM
just saw a picture from jianle's blog

and decided to kope it cos jasper's position is simply damn funny. ahahhaa. and of course for memories sake. :D SLC ROCKS.
life on the line
@ 5:44 PM
vietnam trip was awesome! not as awesome as i thought it would be but the people were awesome! :D the hotels were simply awesome! bunking with valencia was ahahhaha cause she's naggy ahahha. before we left for vietnam her mom was like "you must wake up ah! otherwise you two will late together." kelly, huanying, sheila, jeremiah, valencia and i hanged out a lot during the trip. and i got to know the rest of the girls in the cohord better and talked to them during the trip. they were kinda noisy throughout the trip but it's okay lah. they were funny.
esp the last day on the way to the airport where shaojie ate 43+++ oranges at one go. o.o all of us started comparing what special things our body could do. like bend our fingers to our arm, admiring gracia's cute stubby thumb, etc etc. we spent most of the trip on the bus, listening to my ipod and crapping with valencia. sometimes with hasia amira and anna too. anna kept falling down during the trip and she spent 60000 dong (6 sing dollars) on 6 bananas which was epic lah seriously.
more photos up on fb.
the train ride was awesome with valencia's funny sleeping positions. and huanying forever combing her hair till that if anyone dies there she'll be the first suspect. :O
the trip did not have much shopping that we were so desperate at the airport trying to spend our money as well as getting souviniers for the people in singapore.
US peeps coming back tmrw! i miss shauna very much! :/
Monday, November 16, 2009 @ 11:27 PM

I won.
only to realise the genre of CASE 39 is horror/thriller. o.0
hence and therefore i am not going to watch it. anyone wants the tickets? I don't mind giving them out. ahahhaha.
lead like you're a leader
Sunday, November 15, 2009 @ 11:44 PM
it was the awesomest leadership experience in my entire life. all people there were leaders from different walks of tjc. Working with them was really awesome because they were very sensible and were very open to comments that people gave them and could change their flaws within a day.
We played numerous competition games to win points. My favourite was BALLOON FRANTIC FRANTIC BALLOONS! My group won as first for this activity ahahha. We were really happy cos we lost the first on like crap and totally got 0 points which kinda demoralized our group. :( but we also won the tug of war game. ahahha.
then i became the leader for the high elements game on the 2nd day. my stupid shoe caused me not to be able to balance on the log for the first time in my life. I felt so dejected. cos my shoe was so big my body weight was shifted in front hence i couldnt balance properly.
but i think my group was freaking awesome because we worked together very well! :D gwenda was in my group, thankfully. and had a fun time crapping with her the whole day. ahahha. 你石头!
oh i apparently became the leader of my project group although i don't know why. ahahhaa. now my group keep calling me "sec 4 leader" cause i'm younger than them. ahhaha. :D coolios. garrick was like "give her a chance!" ahahha. lol man.
just came back from dinner with guanhong's group + my group. we were supposed to discuss our project but apparently we didn't ahhaha. too much fun camwhoring. :D
this is my awesome group + angeline. the whole team wasn't there except angeline.
Team 5 / Group 10 rocks to the apple core.
Group 10: garrick, selvie, detian, valerie, gwenda, wenge, duanrui and jiaxin!
Team 5: Group 10 + aaron, zhenghao, angeline, yuenling, kahqi, lidong, we seriously rock rock rock rock! :D love you guys!
ohoh and something freaking funny: The girls during lunch were talking about not being able to shit in unfamiliar places and lidong happened to be eating a drumstick and hence was disgusted with us. ahahhahaha. And during the last part we had to give each other gems to acknowledge something of the other person, then lidong came up to me and said, "this is a brown gem, i hope you shit better next time." freaking lol can! i almost fainted.
i overall learnt a lot of things through the interview simulation game etc etc. i felt that this camp was really awesome.
i'm too lazy to post the details cos i'm freaking tired and i need to sleep already. OH SLC's tmrw. okay needa go have my beauty sleep to face secondary school students and people older than me. ahahha.
"it's about winning, yet it isn't about winning."
@ 12:00 AM
i love you much much much! happy 16th birthday pok-head! thanks for being such an awesome friend this two years i've known you! :D hope you like the presents we are going to give you! (: this post can't express what i want to say, only my heart can. :D love you! (L)
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already gone.
Thursday, November 12, 2009 @ 7:25 PM
oh man tmrw's mazarin camp. don't know to be happy or sad but will make the best out of it i guess. :/ confirm my group many unknown people. o.o never mind. still got high elements somemore. -.- suckiness. i am only regretting it now. i haven't even started packing okay. -.-
last night half the cohord went to send the US people off. it was really heart wrenching as each second passed by knowing that they would be leaving for 16 days. :/ i was asked really weird questions, actually not questions, but question. oh well.
saw this from http://www.bakerella.com/

so chio okay! i want this for my 17th birthday. oh gosh i'm getting old.
ohoh and:
hope you liked my present! (: i think that it suits you. have a happy marriage life and i want to be your child's godma okay! love you!
the sadness couldn't be explained in words. although i knew it wasn't permanent, i felt really scared for a moment. at least you comforted me with a few words and i could feel it in your eyes something was different this time. i don't expect much anymore, as long as i can be there, i'm contented. i want this time to be different. it must.
Sometimes we fall down and can't get back upwe're hiding behind skin that's too toughhow come we don't say I love you enoughtill it's too late, it's not too late
kaiwen: yepps i have changed it :D
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 @ 11:31 PM
I just ate macs ytd and i have got 8 game labels and so i have suddenly have in interest in the game but i just went online to see which labels are the rare ones and realized that according to websites like http://livinginsingaporetoday.com/6784/mcdonalds-monopoly-singapore-game-promotion/comment-page-3/, they say that the odds of winning a big prize is the same as the odds of playing toto/4D.
"There are 8.67 million game label (thats 8.67m set of “extra” value meal). Average price of S$5 per meal give you $43.35million of earnings and they are giving only one $50,000 prize plus other small prizes?"
and hence i am not playing the game any more. and they only release the rare game pieces near the end of the game, therefore do not start playing first. :D
today i had class outing at swensens! thank you miss bian for treating us! we really appreciate it!
had to leave quite early as had to rush home for dinner. :/ and it was something i regret doing. but accomplished something, that is to tell my dad about my tianjing trip. :D and yay i did. he is prepared to come up with 1.5k etc. :) yay thats the only thing i am happy about today.
and tmrw is Kelly's birthday party! so exciting! yay! :DDDD but at 3pm i have some SLC meeting and hence have to rush off. :/ sad man. i have a busy Nov and cannot attend so many church games comm. meeting which makes me feel bad. this friday have Mazarin camp till Sun, and then monday to tues have SLC. and monday have kaiwen's birthday barbeque! :D yay exciting weeks ahead. and after that say hello to vietnam! whoots! (:
can't believe what you asked me today, was shocked and was something I would usually do. am i just living in a dream or is this finally real. but disappointed myself due to unforseen circumstances. of all times. hmph. ugh.
Sunday, November 8, 2009 @ 11:34 PM
oh yay someone congratulate me that my first and last o level paper of my entire life is in two days time and all i do is watch tv, play computer and go out. naise. my lifestyle is perfectly awesome.
needa go school tmr to hand up my passport to mrs koh and till now im still having issues with the 1500 bucks. my mom is refusing to pay, don't even mention my dad. I really don't understand why sometimes it is so hard to get money from them when it comes to overseas trips. I understand that it is not a small amount but it is not like our family is hard up or anything and besides I go there for 4 weeks not 6 days. I really hate being pushed around like a ball when it comes to money issues. I mean, it's really hard for me you know. How would you parents even understand the heartpain of not being able to choose what I want for the WOW attachment. Do you even think i want to go to 天京 that badly, i don't have a choice okay. Yeah I have choice like you said. Okay join what you tell me lah? A*? The zoo thing which only has 4 places? Or the museum thing which i am totally no interest in? Sometimes I really feel horrible when my friends are all caught up with "Should I choose 天京 or something else that is more interesting." with no money issues caught up in between. I always have to consider the money first, not whether I enjoy it or not. Everything i do i think about the money first then who is ever going to think about me. :/ not that I am angry but seriously times have changed and going overseas is quite a norm in schools already. -.- but i don't care that much this time already. I am going for sure. anyway the europe money will be my 挡箭牌. oh and the worst part is you idiots don't even ever ask me about safety issues whether I will freeze of coldness or that 4 weeks is a long time and that you guys will miss me. All you guys ever consider is the $$$$$$$$.
sorry for that long post. wait till i talk about tuition. -.-
@ 1:27 AM

this is too retarded to be true.
lovin' you
Saturday, November 7, 2009 @ 6:29 PM
last night i attended my cousin's wedding. the bride was pretty, my cousin was handsome. but don't know why when i saw them getting married i thought of divorce. it's not a good thought but i couldn't help it. :/
oh wells, o's in two days. and im not exactly very prepared given that my compre is ultimately sucky and my 报章报道 is very disgusting as well. and doing anything now doesn't seem to work anymore. hence and therefore, i'm just gonna watch tv the whole day and slack and just leave the rest to God. :) He'll be good to me.
i'm really tired now. going for dinner and prolly meeting greena at mac's to find her cute guy. o.o ahahha.
update later.
it's been 72 hours.
you're my wonderwall
Friday, November 6, 2009 @ 12:19 AM
i have just confirmed my tianjing trip with my mom. since she has signed it i guess she saw the 1.5k part. :/ if she didnt too bad. cannot change mind already. :D
okay today was another horrible day where i have lost my voice. my cramps in the morning were so painful i almost died and i couldnt walk so my mom said stay at home. :/ i felt a little better in the afternoon. i slept literally the whole day.
oh tmr's my eldest cousin's wedding. and i still don't know what to wear. no mood to go think about it anyway. my stomach and my back is hurting like shiat. 0.0 this sucks.
i don't want things to change just because of this 24 hours i didn't see you.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 @ 10:24 PM
wow finally finished my header for the lep noticeboard! :D nice? i did the old 2c/08 noticeboard style. hope gls likes it and will not ask me to redo. (:
today we had maths trail. and my question was: "find the height of the coconut tree." -.- but was quite slack i guess, since val, yl, miah, anna, hasia and avril and i were like having a picnic with drinks and crackers and stuff. ahahha. was quite fun lah. jianle was seriously :O she sat on the swing for almost an hour. had fun with mr lau's pro pro kameila. i really want to get one too. so pro okay. i really love that camera. :D
i cant believe im in slc as a facilitator or something. my holidays are packed up like shiattt. 0.0 nevermind. you can do it jiaxin!
heard from gls today that tianjing is really cold T.T im really scared now. and the bathing toilets have no wall between each toilet o.o woah this is bad. but whatever i want to go still. i will bring two luggages of clothes and come back with 5 luggages of shopping. :DDD
okay tmr is the last day of translation! yay yay yay. im so happy. :D
on a second note:
you seriously are an awesome teacher! :D see! we didnt exceed your budget! (: we rock okay! thank you for the car ride home also! loves you much! :D
Sunday, November 1, 2009 @ 4:17 PM
you knew exactly what i felt, yet you still did it. what kind of a friend are you? im really annoyed this time. for real. no kidding. you better not be in the same class as me. i swear ill rather make friends with the JC1s than continue with you. what on earth are you man seriously. i'm pissed with you i confirm with you. you are seriously a piece of shit.
omgosh i just came back from the hair salon and i swear my hair is screwed. oh shucks. die die die die die. from now till o levels until the day i re cut my hair, pretend you don't see a difference in my hair.
thank you.