Love Like This (L)

Saturday, October 31, 2009 @ 11:17 PM



i love you SS501 esp KIM HYUN JOONG! (L)


yoz sister-in-law! thanks for always being there whenever I need you, whenever no one's there for me to speak to. :D you're an awesome friend/sis-in-law. hope you be with your husband(s) forever! :) and also, we'll have an awesome time at vietnam! and don't forget the shutters! awesome stuff much.

i really enjoyed today! nevermind it raining, we spent more time together that way! playing the rain was fun. tennis and badminton was hilarious with kelly playing tennis and sheilala mopping the floor. greena who was scared of rain was playing tennis under the rain. :) then came basketball, stupid miah kept stealing the ball from me. hmph. :/ the cake was awesome, so was the food. but mrs wu ah, you seriously stuffed all of us like mad. now i can't eat my sister's cake as well as spaghetti. ahahaha.


i rushed home for my sis' birthday just to realise that it's over. ): i shouldn't even have gone home so early okay seriously. my mom knows im pissed. and so does my sis. is my effort and money worth it even for my sister? :/ urgh whatever. i won't say what i want to say now.


ohmygosh today i realised something shocking about you. didn't know you were like that in secondary sch until talking to some people. :/ don't know to be disappointed or to be happy. and to know what you did in the past (this year) although made me really sad, but i'm gonna tell myself that it's the past and everything is already over, so i'll look forward to the future and make the best of it. :D watch and see. actually realised another thing about through today as well. you're different and im glad you're like so. :D not like some average idiot.


i don't think ill update that much anymore. no motivation to do so anymore.


Friday, October 23, 2009 @ 7:25 PM

i guess what was written on all cards and notes and whatever nonsense were just there because there was a card/note and you wrote it.

in case you didn't know, i was there. i just purposely clicked the button to test you. and you fell for it. thanks now i see the truth.

seriously i don't know what i have done to deserve such treatment. -.-


well, i went to the hospital today. and again, my tonsil is infected/swollen. and guess what this is the exact reason why i can't eat too much sweet stuff. :/ my body is failing me. anyway who cares. doesn't matter to anyone.

please you what? you _______ people? please. -.- more like you provide the cause for the need of __________.
say it again for me.

Thursday, October 22, 2009 @ 8:26 PM

Woooohhhh. I went cable skiing today with yingling, dory, jiamin, brandon, corny, joel, wenkai, david, haiquan and some other jc1s. ahahha lol. it was really fun and everything. but im so worn out now, i cant move.

3 tips to Cable Skiing

1. Cable Skiing in a pair is more fun than doing alone
At first i kneeboarded myself, but in the last hour, yingling and i skiied together! it was much more fun and exciting. :D i actually was bored of skiing after falling and falling due to the sharp turns i had to make, but when i realised that we could do together, it was aweeessssooommmmeeee. (L)

2. When given three options of cable skiing, always choose the knee boarding one
the others are crap lah. -.- havent even travel like 2 metres and down in the water you go. hahaha. knee boarding made some people travel the whole lagoon. but sadly most of us didnt. :/

3. Wakeboarding/kneeboarding/water skiing is not as easy as it looks
this is the most important point. seeing all those pro angmohs skiing looked very easy, but when you are on the water it is seriously very different can. -.- falling is such a normal thing. i guess they really practice alot and they are filthy rich cos 1 hour is like $60 at the normal rate. and their own boards cost them like 500-1000 dollars. -.- woah.

after cable skiing, dory, yingling and i went back to school to cheer the night cycling as well as the titans people on! jianle seriously looked very very fit. :O and then we took some pe teacher's camera and started taking photos. and willaye wang, i swear i wont forgive you for what you did just now lo! make me so embarrassed. -.- you better 赔罪 somehow. oh and i learnt a new word today: pissifying :D

and to all the night cycling people,

jiayoujiayoujiayou! the journey may be tough but we'll all be here to cheer you on! (: see you guys tmr morning. :D

cause' you're hot and you're cold, but I don't really give a damn anymore.

Monday, October 19, 2009 @ 10:40 PM

hello world.

i dont know why i find it so hard to maintain a blog.

today yingling (crazy person) and i went to kaiwen's house to bake COOKIES. okay fine, my recipe failed. wasn't the type of biscuits they were expecting. oh but the end result was nice. :D very nice. thank you auntie gem! :D today was really very fun with kaiwen's a-bit-siao-dogs, and yingling's non stop mouth.

went to queenstown after that and ate wonderful laksa. (: super super duper delicious. as good as katong laksa. i saw this awesome pair of converse shoes:

i almost bought it but i did not as my mom confirm plus chop nag at me. :/ *sobs*

oh crap and tmr is the start of our translation course. sianess like totally.

reminder to bring:
1. jacket
2. food and more food
3. tie and uniform and badge
4. pencil case


Things to be excited about:

1. Sleepover :D
yay the sleepover's tmr. so exciting isnt it! hahaha. okay kaiwen's house is seriously becoming my second house although its half the world away.

2. Movie at Shaw
yayness tmr is the movie at Shaw with some awesssommmme people! :D

Things not to be excited about:

1. Translation course. -.-
yingling it'll be over soon. let's countdown tmr. :D boring lahhh. sians what kind of lame course is this. :/

2. GLS' black face.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T AP. ill try my best not to fall asleep during her oh-so-interesting lessons. :O


have to wear slippers to school tmr. my toe is bandaged and hurts like crap if anyone touches it. if someone steps on it tmr im gonna scream :O

and keith, why confusing? :I


you're my wonderwall

Saturday, October 17, 2009 @ 1:57 AM

i dont feel like posting anything today.

although exams have officially ended. i dont feel the same way.

went to the doctor's just now. paid like 41 bucks for one mc. -.- waste money man. argh today was screwed up. like seriously. omg, nothing can console me. seriously im screwed.

shall post tmr after ive calmed down.

shake the glitter

Thursday, October 15, 2009 @ 7:16 PM

life's screwed.

promos' screwed.

i'm screwed.



goodbye sleep. im not going to sleep tonight. clit's not even halfway done at 1.15 in the morning. dont even talk about physics. gls' sms stressed me out suddenly although i was touched she did. but she reminded me that i need to do well for the last clit paper of my entire life. now im going finish studying. and tmr im going to be a living zombie.

im going home after the papers tmr. i dont want to go out. i want to take cab home and sleep.

tmr's ministry appreciation dinner. probably the only thing im looking forward too.


sugar, we're going down

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 @ 5:51 PM

oh my tian.

the la paper was seriously a killer. omg omg. im not only gonna fail math, my la too. oh well, these are my weaker subjects. oh i realise i dont exactly have any strong subjects. -.-

2 down 5 to go! :D jiayou jiaxin.

and jiayou everyone else!

oh shit tmr is chinese and chem. this is so sucky.

thanks yingling for your machine stops! im sorry about waking up late today! (:

okay maybe update later. ;D



i just came back from macs. was studying with greena. thanks for being such an awesome study buddy! (: tired and not done with chinese or chem. failure here i come. this is really super sucky. oh well, let me face this battle alone. and get low marks alone. argh whatever i dont know what i am saying.

oh and kaiwen, the yiruma thing's awesome. (:


don't pretend you ever forget about me.
never let you go.

Monday, October 12, 2009 @ 8:49 PM

today is the first day of exam where i nicely screwed up the paper. the first part was okay but the vectors and the circle properties was screwed up cos of my some careless mistakes.

it was weird with glen chua sitting on my right finishing the paper at 3.50pm -.- which made me freaking stressed thinking i was too slow.
i dont know why i created this blog one day before the promos started. guess i wanted to have a place to type out my feelings and everything.

my ipod shuffle arrived today, it looks something like this:

I seriously agree with everyone who says that i buy things on impulse. now i have two ipods. which one should i use? :/ but anyway the green's awesome and keith tong cannot touch my ipod now already since there is no ttr :D bye keith.

After promos, i will start designing samples and send them to, so watch out for that. ;D

kaiwen you are gonna be disappointed:
This saturday there is no cip. cos its deepavali. :/ saded i can't see the ahmas. its been 2 weeks since i saw them. kinda miss their purity and everything and the way they treasure everything around them.

Oh, everyone's changing and I don't feel the same. We're watching you. There are just some people we have to forget
my wish for you.

@ 12:52 AM

But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take.