never let you go.
Monday, October 12, 2009 @ 8:49 PM
it was weird with glen chua sitting on my right finishing the paper at 3.50pm -.- which made me freaking stressed thinking i was too slow.

i dont know why i created this blog one day before the promos started. guess i wanted to have a place to type out my feelings and everything.
my ipod shuffle arrived today, it looks something like this:

I seriously agree with everyone who says that i buy things on impulse. now i have two ipods. which one should i use? :/ but anyway the green's awesome and keith tong cannot touch my ipod now already since there is no ttr :D bye keith.
After promos, i will start designing samples and send them to, so watch out for that. ;D
kaiwen you are gonna be disappointed:
This saturday there is no cip. cos its deepavali. :/ saded i can't see the ahmas. its been 2 weeks since i saw them. kinda miss their purity and everything and the way they treasure everything around them.
Oh, everyone's changing and I don't feel the same. We're watching you. There are just some people we have to forget